Dare To Keep Kids Off Crocs!

Dare To Keep Kids Off Crocs! Story By Dirk Cunningham In the whimsical realm of Porder Batrol, Chief Mark Corona was a man on a mission. Armed with determination and a disdain for dubious footwear, he waged a war against the insidious Croc cartel. From his headquarters in Slowjamastan, Chief Corona issued bold proclamations over READ MORE

Fake Border Patrol Truck In San Diego?

Fake Border Patrol Truck In San Diego? San Diego residents have recently reported sightings of a peculiar truck that closely resembles a Border Patrol vehicle. However, a closer look reveals that it is labeled “Porder Batrol.” Intrigued?  The Legend of Slowjamastan Slowjamastan is a unique and whimsical nation that has recently emerged on the global READ MORE

Fake Border Patrol Truck Spotted in Phoenix: The Porder Batrol Mystery Unveiled!

Fake Border Patrol Truck Spotted in Phoenix: The Porder Batrol Unveiled! Story By Dirk Cunningham Phoenix residents have recently reported sightings of a peculiar truck that closely resembles a Border Patrol vehicle. However, a closer look reveals that it is labeled “Porder Batrol.” Intrigued? Let’s delve into the story behind this curious truck and its READ MORE

Fake Border Patrol Truck

Fake Border Patrol Truck Spotted: Real or Clever Hoax? Did you spot a truck that looked like a Border Patrol vehicle? Wondering what it is, or if it’s even real? Chances are, you encountered the legendary Porder Batrol, led by the infamous Chief Mark Corona. Chief Corona is the first line of defense for the READ MORE

Whiskey Barrel Aged Coffee – I’m Not 100% Sold!

Whiskey Barrel Aged Coffee – I’m Not 100% Sold! I’m always on the lookout for unique and exciting coffee blends. So when I heard about Whiskey Barrel Aged Coffee, my curiosity got piqued. I mean, who doesn’t love the idea of combining two of our favorite beverages – coffee and whiskey? But before I give READ MORE